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The Memorial Service for Dr. Homer B. Hulbert upon his 73nd Passing An…

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Writer 관리자 View 223times Date 22-09-13 15:06


Dear Friends,


I heartily wish all of you well under this trying time.  


On Aug. 31st, The Hulbert Memorial Society had the memorial service for Dr. Hulbert upon his 73rd passing anniversary. 

Same as last year we paid tribute to Dr. Hulbert with selected members only because of the COVID19. But government and social representatives such as Administrator of Veterans Affairs Ministry, Chairman of Association of Descendants of Independence Patriots were also present. 


At this memorial service we had a special program featuring Dr. Hulbert's book <SaMinPilJI(사민필지, Knowledge Necessary For All)>, a world gazetteer published in 1891, which is the first school textbook in vernaculars in Korean history. The Society published the facsimile edition of this book at the end of last year and distributed to selected schools, which elicited lots of interest from the public. A prominent 

Hangeul(Korean alphabet) scholar gave a special lecture at the site and defined this book as the most precious treasure in Korea's modern history.

Also we had exhibition of a special postal stamp which was issued by Korean government in the memory of foreign advocates of Korean independence.

The government chose two representative foreigners for the portrait to be printed on the stamp: one is Dr. Hulbert and the other Earnest Bethell, an English journalist who had fought in collaboration with Dr. Hulbert against Japan around 1907.    


There were special attendants for the memorial service: two students who have been working as intern at The Hulbert Memorial Society this summer. 

One is from Shaphnah Mckenzie, a senior of Dartmouth College and the other Kelly Spinner, a graduate from University of Arizona.

I sincerely thank both Shaphnah and Kelly for their hard work at the Society and their participation in the service.


PDF file of the pamphlet for the memorial service is attached for your reference.

You can see from the pamphlet remarks from the Speaker of Korean National Assembly and also U.S. Ambassador to Korea.

Also a number of news coverage on the memorial service are attached below.

Thanks to you all for your support of The Hulbert Memorial Society.

With warm regards,


Kim DongJin(DJ), Chairman, The Hulbert Memorial Society  












Postal stamp issued by Korean government thanking foreigners who supported Korea, protesting the Japanese. 

At the grave of Dr. Hulbert

Lecture by Hangeul scholar Lee DaeRo  


Two interns: Kelly Spinner, a graduate from University of Arizona, and

Shaphnah Mckenzie, a senior of Dartmouth College, second and third at the front row. 

Dignitaries paying tribute to Dr. Hulbert